International English language testing system is one of the basic tests to check your ability in English proficiency. This examination is conducted in nearly 100 countries which gives students an opportunity to study abroad or gives a chance to candidate to apply for the immigration purpose. IELTS is accepted by many countries, organizations, institutes professional associations, employers. This test is basically for the students who are willing to study abroad at various destinations such as USA, UK, Canada, NZ and Australia. This test signifies that the candidate would not have difficulty in Reading writing listening and speaking of this language anywhere.
In Ielts training there are four basic skills which are assessed these are Reading, writing speaking and listening .Ielts general reading test consists of 40 questions based on 3 comprehension passages which would be of different types and level of difficulty also varies.
General Writing task consists of two tasks which include a letter which is to be written in 20 minutes and the word length is 150 at least and the second task is an essay which has to be written in at least 250 words and must follow all the parameters to score well in the exam.
General listening test consists of 40 questions based on 3 parts which are of different types. Listening test has majorly two challenges accent understanding and the pace .one has to be accustomed to follow the particular accent and the speed in which you are listening to that conversation.
Speaking general test consists of three parts in which fluency pronunciation grammar and vocabulary of a candidate is analyzed and the scores on given on these parameters. One must practice cue cards to score well in the exams.
SEEK ACADEMY provides IELTS General Training in Delhi with expert guidance to score 7 above band. Students who want to settle abroad for PR mainly choose for IELTS General.
If you want to prepare for IELTS , then know about the pattern in details how is it conducted.
IELTS Academic & IELTS General.
Academic – The Academic test is for those people who are trying to secure an entry into international school or college to secure admission in undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate educational programs.
General – The IELTS General Training Test is for those people who wish to join various kinds of vocational training courses, work visa or permanent residency purpose.
Both IELTS General and Academic consist of Reading, Writing, Speaking, and listening task.
The IELTS examination is conducted for 2 hours 45 minutes to complete and consists of four sub tests in the skills of listening, Reading, Writing, And Speaking. The time of the examination and the pattern is quite similar for both the modules that is IELTS general and academic.

The Ielts General Training is for those who are planning to migrate to English speaking countries for work experience or for permanent residency. It is the prime requirement for the migration to countries s like Canada, New Zealand and the UK .The test focuses on the basic survival skills in social and workplace requirements.
IELTS General Training is mainly taken by people who want to train or the people who would like to settle abroad. There are multiple English speaking countries those which are entirely English speaking and are looking for the people those who can clear the test and score what is required for their process.
IELTS General Training is not at all difficult in fact the test pattern is quite understandable but the it entirely depends on your score requirements .If you are looking forward to score 7778 then professional guidance is mandatory and that helps the candidates to utilize their time proactively and productivity level increases .Understanding the test format and the techniques clearly would make it easy for you to get the desired scores easily.
- Understand the test format : Familiarize yourself with the format of the test well in advance so that you don’t face any challenges in the actual examination. Try to understand the question types and know the time limitation which is fixed for an individual skill.
- Try to practice test with simple test questions. Start by practicing from simple question types and gradually attempt the difficult ones so that you don’t panic when you need to locate answers of difficult question types.
- Official ielts practice material : Always focus on practicing by ielts official Cambridge books only else you would be confused and may practice certain wrong question types.
- Prepare a graph for ielts progress check so that you get this understanding accurately about the strengths and weakness of individual skill.It would be necessary to track the progress chart to attain the progress which you could utilize to plan your next move.
- Considering a preparation course would be a wise decision as the expert advice in this field would clarify all your doubts and certainty to score desired results would increase. Professional guidance always helps one to score effortlessly and saves their time money and energy which could be wasted if repeatedly tests are appeared for.
- Register for your test when you are prepared and already appeared for at least 4 mocks with the desired scores. Your preparation time depends on the proficiency of your language.

Seek Academy for ielts training has been always the primary choice of the candidates who are looking forward to prepare for the ielts training and get the desired scores in their first attempt of ielts.
Seek academy has a team of faculty members who provide professional training to their students and all of them are British council certified who would always meaningfully advise the candidates and help them to core of this test. Understanding the format completely and knowing the tips and techniques would make it possible for the candidates to score their required and desired bands.
Expertise in all four modules.
Seek academy trainers are qualified and certified from British council and are skillful enough to impart their knowledge to the candidates effectively. In ielts general test majorly writing skill is the most difficult skill where students can not score their desired bands at first attempt. The trainers at seek are quite efficient and well accustomed with the parameters which are required for the training and learning of Ielts writing test.
Incorporating meaningful tips and techniques
Trainers at seek are trained to impart the meaningful tried and tested techniques with their candidates so that they can apply those skills in their practice sessions and then score the desired results in their exam. Seek academy has a proven record of enabling students to score their desired bands that is 7778 by enhancing their language skills and working upon their understanding level to implement the tips and techniques in their training.
Seek Academy guarantees students appearing for the general test to score their desired bands within the limited time and without wasting much of their time effort and money.
When you decide to appear for the Ielts test the initial question which arises is which test one should appear for/Ielts general or Ielts academic. Candidates who are preparing to go abroad for the education purpose they must appear for Ielts academic test so that they can score and show their results to the universities where they are applying for the particular course. Different course in different universities have a separate requirement and candidates need to appear for the exam seeing the requirements they have and level of preparation should be done accordingly.
Ielts general test is appeared when the candidates have the requirement of scores for permanent immigration abroad where their required scores can be 7778 mostly. Though it depends on their age experience qualification also. The general test is a little easier when compared with Ielts academic but the band scale is a little different and it requires more correct answers to be in desired band scores category.
Ielts test contains four skill assessment which includes reading,writing,listening,speaking.the main modules remain the same but the difference is in the level which includes difference in reading texts and writing task 2 else there is not much difference which can be highlighted here. Preparation should be started after analyzing what you need to appear for /Ielts general or Ielts academic?
The difference is of Ielts listening test in general and academic both has 40 questions containing the same question types and format. One has to practice accent and follow the pace which is required to score well in Ielts listening exam. Ielts reading in academic and general both have the same number of questions but the length of the text and the difficulty level of the test vary. Question types which are a part of Ielts general and Ielts academic are different but not all a few of them. Practicing according to the test type you need to practice is always advantageous for the candidates. Ielts writing is also different as the task 1 in Ielts general is a letter which has to be written in at least 250 words whereas in Ielts academic there is a report writing question which can include a bar graph, chart or a table description which needs to be written in at least 250 words in 20 minutes. Ielts writing task 2 remains the same whether it is Ielts general or academic .The speaking test is similar for both Ielts general and academic.