Start your Free IELTS Practice test

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Candidates mainly looking for FREE IELTS Practice Test can practice at home, online. All the sample question and answer for the modules that you are looking for are available at our website. All the four modules of test Reading, Writing , Listening and Speaking are available. Students those who want to check their English and improve their skills can go for online test. 

IELTS Practice test help students to identify their own strength area and weaknesses.It is very easy to apply.Just go through the module you would like to appear and answer the questions. After appearing you can submit your task to us which would be scrutinized by our trainers and rate your score.

Seek academy is the top and leading training institute in Tilak Nagar that has already helped thousands of the students and still is guiding many of them who are aspiring to go abroad. Seek academy provides Ielts training and study abroad services with the maximum success rate.

We are one of the leading training institute that assists Ielts learners with specialized training and coaching for Ielts test. Both our online and offline training of Ielts and English give students the level of English and test skills they are looking for to appear in the examination and score with the flying colors. We help candidates with free IELTS online practice test and FREE Mock test where they can take the test and analyze their score.

If you are planning to check your skills for IELTS test online then our trainers are exceptionally qualified and know the perfect methodology  with the meaningful ways of imparting training to the candidates using their innovative method of teaching and helping the candidates to score the best results in the given time duration.

Students initially need to appear for an assessment and then they are informed about their weakness and strengths in classroom training.This guidance initially leads them to be on the path of success.

To score the highest band in the Ielts exam the student are provided with the tips and techniques in a unique manner which surely makes the candidate to score the best in the Ielts test. Seek academy is India’s best institution in preparation of standardized test like Ielts.

Take our IELTS Online practice test and know your proficiency level.


Seek Academy organizes FREE Mock Test every Saturday for students. Any one can call us to register for IELTS Mock Test. Seats are available on Pre booking only. We have different batch of students who appear for FREE Mock , so we request students to decide their slot and inform us.

IELTS Mock Test familiarizes students with the real scenario of exam and help them to understand the techniques of completing the exam within the stipulated time.